Bird-of-Paradise is a very beautiful name for a flower, it is said that this is the one flower that is very well known to occupy the landscape in almost every country in the world. We call it here Bunga Sepit Udang and there are a few colour varieties, at around my village one could find a yellow with red, a pure yellow and an orange one. It is easily grown and really fast in occupying a space if not properly contained. The leaves are favourite as a piece in a flower arrangement and is very sought after.
p/s I've put up the first photo in my Flickr account, the original size, about 1.5MB, just wanna test how long it would take to upload a big file to Flickr, just follow the banner to get the full size of the photo.Stumble It!
June 26, 2007 at 9:10 PM
I have this plan is easy to maintain..Nice picture
June 30, 2007 at 9:44 PM
This is a wonderful bird of paradise, very nice. I have one too on my blog - it is a older post....Nice blog you have!
July 1, 2007 at 10:56 PM
yup.. thanks.. I've seen the bird of paradise at your place, i guess a different species huh.. anyhow, thank you for visiting..